Reacharound central planning
So I'm sitting in concourse C waiting for my plane and I count... 16 TSA uniformed officers walk up and down the concourse in the half hour I am waiting, not like 1 guy walking by 16 times, but packs of them like groups of two to four. Now, I'm thrilled that I got through security in three minutes flat, but do we need sixteen officers.. in the secured concourse???
This smacks of reacharound central planning. You don't know what that is? I'll tell you.
It is when an ostensibly fiscal conservative government inject gigantic contracts toward certain companies which in essence behave as central planners of our economy.
How do republicans act like marxists you ask? They have studies performed by large contractors who provide them with solutions that can be implemented by only a few large contractors and do it all in the name of keeping me safe. Competitive bidding you say? Well if it is so competitive then why has my Halliburton stock doubled in the past year?
If you really want to keep people on planes safe put an air marshal on each flight and make him dress like a slob so he has a chance of being hidden. Other than that let me carry my pocket knife again. I think after all that has happened we can trust the american people to defend themselves from hijackers attempting to take planes.
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